Nie udalo mi się zarchiwizować początku tej rozmowy, a zaczęlo się od tego, ze jak co dzień pojawia się Joey. Zaczyna mówić coś o zdanym egzaminie na prawko, potem że Steve Irwin nie żyje (australijczyk - więc wiadomości z pierwszej ręki XD), a to wszystko tak ledwo rozczytywalne, że zachowałam co nieco, coby mu pokazać jak wytrzeźwieje XD Mało mówiłam, żeby pozwolić mu się "wypisać". Nie jest to może zbyt zabawne, ale...
[10:55] Fricketman: im going to play uh]
[10:55] Fricketman: cs on a competition soon
[10:55] Fricketman: i beter not be drunk like this hehy?
[10:56] Goha: yeahyeah >.>
[10:56] Fricketman: ui y g hb vb you know when you're drunk when you start headbuttin the keyboard hey?
[10:57] Goha: :x
[10:57] Fricketman: miom gh
[10:57] Goha: never tried :X:X
[10:57] Fricketman: it hruts lololo
[10:57] Fricketman: l
[10:57] Fricketman: and hey
[10:57] Fricketman: o just had tyo stop myself
[10:57] Fricketman: to
[10:57] Fricketman: uh
[10:57] Fricketman: fdall over
[10:57] Fricketman: while
[10:57] Fricketman: falling over
[10:57] Goha: ahahahaha
[10:57] Fricketman: on the foal my fraphic gard
[10:58] Goha: XD
[10:58] Fricketman: only a small drin left
[10:58] Fricketman: think i can skull it?
[10:58] Fricketman: i will give it a go
[10:58] Fricketman: hehehehe
[10:58] Fricketman: lets see
[10:59] Fricketman: full drinking glass full of scotch and
[11:00] Goha: eh, just dont pass out :x
[11:01] Fricketman: i did it i fel kiinda sick
[11:01] Fricketman: dhdhd
[11:01] Fricketman: 2 whole litres of scotch
[11:01] Fricketman: wow i typed the whole of that correctly
[11:01] Fricketman: wwowow
[11:01] Goha: XD
[11:03] Fricketman: wahat do you reccomnend i do
[11:03] Goha: um sleep :x
[11:04] Fricketman: amd mpt omgoy the money i sdpent
[11:04] Fricketman: uh
[11:04] Fricketman: enjoyu the money i spent
[11:04] Fricketman: i wojndery how much mony i spent on this reophey
[11:04] Fricketman: hehhehahah
[11:06] Fricketman: i got new 19' inch momitor and
[11:09] Goha: *poke* O.o
[11:11] Fricketman: iu hope my parentgs dont fid me like tjis, im ma
[11:11] Fricketman: crap
[11:11] Fricketman: i just sapweeed
[11:11] Fricketman: all ver the place and i was outside
[11:11] Fricketman: and my jew jeansa
[11:11] Fricketman: anbd
[11:12] Fricketman: my sh4eet
[11:12] Fricketman: sand
[11:12] Fricketman: shit
[11:12] Fricketman: shit
[11:12] Fricketman: shit
[11:12] Fricketman: sthi
[11:12] Fricketman: t
[11:12] Fricketman: omg wt
[11:12] Fricketman: f
[11:12] Fricketman: f
[11:12] Goha: yeah, wtf O.o
[11:13] Fricketman: crap please
[11:13] Fricketman: i dont want them to find out about this
[11:13] Fricketman: i went ouside i think
[11:13] Fricketman: im not legal for another.. 12 days it hhin
[11:14] Fricketman: ig di
[11:14] Fricketman: OH FOA
[11:14] Fricketman: oh god
[11:14] Fricketman: i
[11:14] Fricketman: like
[11:14] Fricketman: spewed ALL over the PLACEa
[11:14] Fricketman: adn
[11:14] Goha: oops >.>
[11:15] Fricketman: all over my jnew jeans
[11:15] Fricketman: i luckily
[11:15] Fricketman: got ouside
[11:16] Goha: <,<
[11:17] Fricketman: i cant open msn
[11:17] Fricketman: why cant i open msn
[11:18] Goha: aim in the icon u know XD
[11:18] Fricketman: ehah it says its open but its not
[11:18] Fricketman: totally
[11:19] Fricketman: what can i do
[11:19] Fricketman: sayu i was sick? i dont kno
[11:19] Fricketman: w
[11:19] Goha: ;p
[11:19] Fricketman: i cant believe.. i pukled on my powerpoint LOL
[11:20] Goha: ahahaha
[11:20] Fricketman: i had a WHOLE 2 litres of
[11:20] Fricketman: uh
[11:20] Fricketman: 40%
[11:20] Fricketman: proof
[11:20] Fricketman: alcohol
[11:20] Goha: and i wanted o say "be carefull and dont wake up in ur own puke, like my friend used to" XDXDXD
[11:22] Fricketman: im fucke
[11:22] Fricketman: d
[11:23] Fricketman: i believve i rN UP THE STREET NAKED
[11:23] Fricketman: oh caPS SUCKS
[11:23] Fricketman: IRL
[11:23] Fricketman: WAIT
[11:23] Fricketman: i pressed caps to stup it i think
[11:23] Fricketman: i wish i knew how alcohol worked
[11:23] Fricketman: ahha
[11:25] Goha: o.o
[11:25] Fricketman: i want to die
[11:25] Fricketman: i thinmk i want to die
[11:26] Goha: yea, right XD
[11:26] Fricketman: i hqate this shit
[11:26] Fricketman: am i even going to be able to play l2 tomorrow? im tghirdsty at i think ill get a bug ass hangover
[11:26] Fricketman: lol
[11:27] Fricketman: im going to bed
[11:27] Fricketman: i love monkeys
[11:27] Goha: yeh, u just afraid of hangover, lol u read in my mind
[11:27] Fricketman: i hope i dont smeel;lll kilke vomit tomorow tomuch
[11:27] Goha: okay, go to bed and love monkeys, and dont drown XD
[11:28] Fricketman: Thankyou. you're a greayt friend
[11:28] Fricketman: seee you
[11:28] Goha: byeee
[11:28] Goha: <3
[11:28] Fricketman: <3
trochę później...
[20:30] Fricketman: im an idiot
[20:32] Goha: eh?
[20:32] Fricketman: lol
[20:32] Fricketman: just woke up >_>
[20:32] Fricketman: the wreckage is still here ;x
[20:33] Goha: wreckage? u mean the mess u left?
[20:33] Fricketman: yeah, haha
[20:33] Goha: lol, u were thinking someones gonna clean it up for you?
[20:34] Fricketman: no, i was hoping it was a dream XD
[20:34] Goha: ahahahahaha
[20:34] Goha: ROLL
[20:34] Fricketman: ill wait till parents go out and then start washing up :/
[20:34] Goha: copied+saved XD
[20:34] Fricketman: :x
[20:35] Goha: hows yer head?
[20:36] Fricketman: not too bad, one thing i managed to do while i was puking outside (into the gutter near the street (smart boy
[20:36] Fricketman: was to find the tap and drink a whole heap of water
[20:36] Fricketman: which always helps
[20:38] Goha: heh... u know there are some pills u take before drinking, aspirin or sht XD
[20:38] Fricketman: lol