First i want you to do is to download
this and then you can play karaoke, have fun ^_^
I don't know, why these people can't get it on...
And what you didn't know, that is just people are having fun... YEA YO
I thought that there was something going round with me,
i thought that everyone and this time should free,
but i know i'm feeling lost and something here is wrong
Would YOU come and help those single people
come on now and SING THIS SONG:
beat the wals, to leave'em now
THEY DON'T LIKE YOU, they're like you on their way
I won't rock baybe, ITS OKEY ! ! !
In this rain
It makes it harder than it needs to be
What you didn't know
That is it always gonna stay this way... yeah...
Macie bardzo pomieszane piosenki, JESTEŚCIE NOOBY
Spróbujcie stanąc do walki i pokażcie ostrza miecza swego czuby!