Autor Wątek: Muzyczne "Cytaty"  (Przeczytany 49035 razy)

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Muzyczne "Cytaty"
« dnia: Stycznia 18, 2004, 12:12:43 pm »
kazdy z nas slucha innej muzyki...mamy inne upodobania...chcialem sie dowiedziec ktore teksty wywarly na was duze wrazenie...ktore teksty sa wam najblizsze...jesli jest to fragment piosenki, napiszcie...calych tekstow posenek raczej nie wklejajmy :D ...moj temat wiec wypadaloby abym zaczal...

"If I could change I would take back the pain I would
Retrace every wrong move that I made I would
If I could stand up and take the blame I would
I would take all my shame to the grave\"

Linkin Park - "Easier To Run", METEORA

od poczatku ten tekst pojawia sie pod kazdym miom postem...dlaczego :?: ...nie bede tu opisywal mojego zycia bo nie oto tu chodzi...staram sie juz wiecej nie robic rzeczy, po zrobieniu ktorych moglbym powiedziec \"...gdybym mogl to juz bym tego nie zrobil...\"kazdy z nas robi rzeczy ktorych poniej zaluje...ja teraz robie wysztko tak, aby ten teks nie musial sie \"wybijac na pierwszy plan\" w moim zyciu...zycze wszystkim wam, aby te slowa juz nigdy u was nie zagoscily :D                             
« Ostatnia zmiana: Kwietnia 07, 2007, 10:27:24 pm wysłana przez ARD »

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« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Stycznia 18, 2004, 09:35:53 pm »
to ja tez napisze  :) :

This isn\'t the life for me
This isn\'t the way I want to be
And let me tell you
Death will come when I\'m good and ready
(Godsamck - \"I Am\", FACELESS)

drugi tekscik tez tego zespolu  :D :

Sometimes we only live for the here and now.
Sometimes we\'re lonely.
Sometimes we feel we need a place to be grounded,
or fly away again
(Godsmack - \"Spiral\", AWAKE)                            
Posting and You
... Każdy człowiek chce znać przyszłość...
Aż zobaczy jak okrutne przeznaczenie szykuje mu los! Niektórzy wariują ze strachu...
Inni umierają gdy pozostaną pozbawieni nadziei na ocalenie !
Uważaj, bo cena nieograniczonej wiedzy jest wysoka...

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Muzyczne "Cytaty"
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Stycznia 19, 2004, 01:08:58 pm »
On the other side, on the other side, the other side,
Do you ever try to fly, Do you ever try to fly?
Have you ever wanted to die, you ever want to die?

Don\'t ever try to fly, don\'t ever try to fly,
Don\'t ever try to fly, unless you leave your body on the other side,
Never try to die, you ever try to die.

 Ten tekst mówi o tym, by nie próbować tego co niemożliwe. Moja interpretacja. To raz.

We must call upon our bright darkness,
Beliefs, they\'re the bullets of the wicked,
One was written on the sword,
For you must enter a room to destroy it,
International security,
Call of the righteous man,
Needs a reason to kill man,
History teaches us so,
The reason he must attain,
Must be approved by his God,
His child, partisan brother of war,

 Ten cytacik z kolei dobitnie podsumowuje sens każdej wojny. Wojna to tylko pretekst by zabić drugiego człowieka. Najlepiej w imię Boga. Next.:

Father, Father, Father, Father,
Father/ Into your hands/I/commend my spirit,
Father, into your hands,

Why have you forsaken me,
In your eyes forsaken me,
In your thoughts forsaken me,
In your heart forsaken, me oh,

Trust in my self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die,
In my self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die.

Chop Suey SOAD
 Ten zozstawię bez komentarza, bo jest niepotrzebny.... najbardziej rozpoznawalny tekst Soad. Next

Life is a waterfall,
We\'re one in the river,
And one again after the fall.

Swimming through the void
We hear the word,
We lost ourselves,
But we find it all?

Cause we are the ones that want to play,
Always want to go,
But you never want to stay,

And we are the ones that want to chose,
Always want to play,
But you never want to lose.

Aerials, in the sky,
When you lose small mind,
You free your life.

Life is a waterfall,
We drink from the river,
Then we turn around and put up our walls.

Swimming through the void
We hear the word,
We lost ourselves,
But we find it all?

Cause we are the ones that want to play,
Always want to go,
But you never want to stay,

And we are the ones that want to chose,
Always want to play,
But you never want to lose.

Aerials, in the sky,
When you lose small mind,
You free your life.
Aerials, so up high,
When you free your eyes,
Eternal prize.
Aerials, in the sky,
When you lose small mind,
You free your life.
Aerials, so up high,
When you free your eyes,
Eternal prize.

 Tutaj zmuszony jestem nie cytować, ale zapodać cały tekst bo wg mnie istnieje on tylko jako całość. Jak mówią słowa nasze życie jest jak wodospad, rwąca rzeka, czerpiemy z niego różne rzeczy a potem ponosimy konsekwencje. NEXT (już niedużo)
Mother please forgive me
I just had to get out all my pain and suffering
Now that I am done, remember I will always love you
I\'m your son

Daddy KoRn
  Żeby zrozumieć sens piosenki trzeba ją usłyszeć. Kiedy poznasz słowa i przesłanie, zrozumiesz, czemu ten cytat uważam za jeden z ważniejszych, jeśli idzie o KoRn. I ostatni już...
 Tell me why am I to blame
Aren\'t we supposed to be the same?
That\'s why I will never tame
This thing that\'s burning in me

I am the one who chose my path
I am the one who couldn\'t last
I feel the life pulled from me
I feel the anger changing me

Did My Time  KoRn
  Ostatni cytat to proste pytanie. Skoro my, ludzie niby jesteśmy tacy sami (czytaj równi) to dlaczego zawsze istnieje jakiś kozioł ofiarny. Każdy z nas wybiera własną scieżkę życia, i nią podąża...

  Ufff...... To wszystko. To najlepsze moim zdaniem cytaty z twórczości KoRn-a i SOAD-u. Może wam się nie podobać moja interpretacja, ale cóż... każdy ma swoje zdanie.                            
Kame Hame Ha

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Muzyczne "Cytaty"
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Stycznia 19, 2004, 06:51:12 pm »
Things just seem to fall apart
When you least expect them to

You want to pack up and leave behind
All of them and all their smiles

I don\'t know
What to think any more
Maybe things will get better
Maybe things will look brighter
Maybe, maybe

People surprise you
And people surprise me

But I guess that\'s the price we pay
For wanting, so badly


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Muzyczne "Cytaty"
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Stycznia 19, 2004, 07:25:42 pm »
wszystkie te cytaty raczej takie madre to ja walne cos takiego, tak dla odmiany :P :

\"Fuck Her Gently\"

This is a song for the ladies
But fellas listen closely
You don\'t always have to fuck her hard
In fact sometimes that\'s not right to do
Sometimes you\'ve got to make some love
And fuckin give her some smoochies too
Sometimes ya got to squeeze
Sometimes you\'ve got to say please
Sometime you\'ve got to say hey
I\'m gonna Fuck you softly
I\'m gonna screw you gently
I\'m gonna hump you sweetly
I\'m gonna ball you discreetly
And then you say hey I bought you flowers
And then you say wait a minute sally
I think I got somethin in my teeth
Could you get it out for me
That\'s fuckin teamwork
Whats your favorite posish?
That\'s cool with me
Its not my favorite
But I\'ll do it for you
Whats your favorite dish?
Im not gonna cook it
But ill order it from Zanzibar
And then I\'m gonna love you completely
And then I\'ll fuckin fuck you discreetly
And then I\'ll fucking bone you completely
But then I\'m gonna fuck you hard
 no comment ... :DDD



What you get and what you see
Things that don\'t come easily
Feeling happy in my vein
Icicles within my brain

Something blowing in my head
Winter\'s ice, it soon will spread
Death would freeze my very soul
Makes me happy, makes me cold

My eyes are blind but I can see
The snowflakes glisten on the tree
The sun no longer sets me free
I feel there\'s no place freezing me

Let the winter sun shine on
Let me feel the frost of dawn
Fill my dreams with flakes of snow
Soon I\'ll feel the chilling glow

Don\'t you think I know what I\'m doing
Don\'t tell me that it\'s doing me wrong
You\'re the one who\'s really a loser
This is where I feel I belong

Crystal world with winter flowers
Turns my day to frozen hours
Lying snowblind in the sun
Will my ice age ever come?

tego tesh nie bede komentowal
piosenka jest swietna ...                            
NEO JSITE - duchowy następca

W hołdzie kreatywności  *.*

<-mój design ^^''

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Muzyczne "Cytaty"
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: Stycznia 20, 2004, 10:02:46 am »
Ej, Shmatan , dlaczego przytoczyłeś Snowblind, będący swoistym hymnem do kokainy????                            
Kame Hame Ha

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Muzyczne "Cytaty"
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: Stycznia 21, 2004, 10:16:05 pm »
na dobra sprawe to nie wiem ... po protu spontaniczny gest ... piosenka podoba mi sie ze wzgledu na jej ... po protu mi sie podoba ... w tym momencie nie zwracalem uwagi na jej wrtosc merytoryczna ...mimo iz topic traktuje o wartosci merytorycznej txt\'u .. :P przepraszam :P daje inny txt SoaD :P

Shmmy - czyli nie spoozniaj sie do szkoly bo cie zje polska struktura spoleczna ...

Education, fornication, in you are, Go,
Education, subjugation, now you\'re out, Go,
Education, fornication, in you are, Go,
Don\'t be late for school again boy

I think me, I want life,
I think me, I want a house and a wife,
I want to shimmy- shimmy-
shimmy through the break of dawn, yeah.

Education, fornication, in you are, Go,
Education, subjugation, now you\'re out, Go,
Education, fornication, in you are, Go,
Don\'t be late for school again girl

I think me, I want life,
I think me, I want a house and a wife,
I want to shimmy- shimmy-
shimmy through the break of dawn, yeah.
I think me, I want life,
I think me, I want a house and a wife,
I want to shimmy- shimmy-
shimmy through the break of dawn, yeah.

Indoctrination, of a nation,
Indoctrination of a nation,
Subjugation of damnation,
Subjugation of damna?

Don\'t be late for school again boy,
Don\'t be late for school again girl,
Don\'t be late for school again boy,
Don\'t be late for school again girl.                            
NEO JSITE - duchowy następca

W hołdzie kreatywności  *.*

<-mój design ^^''

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« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: Stycznia 25, 2004, 02:57:55 am »
\"(...) God and Satan are just puppets on OUR strings
Creating conflicts in your little human minds, keeping US alive
It doesn\'t matter who or what you think We are
It only matters that you know We are
God, The Devil, good and evil, We\'re all that and so much more (...)\"
(King Diamond, House of God - This Place Is Terrible)                            
You runaway shinobi....

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« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: Stycznia 26, 2004, 05:11:47 am »
Linkin Park:
- In The End It doesen\'t really matter!

-The beautiful moon smiles
Laughing in the quiet night

Outlaw Star
-Don\'t make fun of it! Don\'t destroy it! Don\'t cheapen it!
That one thing everyone has that they won\'t give up.
Only love! Only dreams! Only you!
Those are the only things I won\'t let go, ever.

Rockman. EXE Axess
-I\'l become the proof.


Monochrome Trouble
- The chain around your neck was a mess. I fixed it with my tongue.
   I look over your body while you lie on your back, arching forward (I want you.)
   Without whispering, I\'ll open you up. Heat intwines your body and goes beyond the words.
   Hot sensation reaches it\'s peak. And your body falls into a quiet rhythm. (You want me.)
   Chained with never-ending desire.
   Like a red flower on an ankle.
   A sweet dream that you never wake up from.
   Deep in the mind of Monochrome Trouble
   Moist lips. Wandering in a humid maze.
   Moist lips. I do it again and again but I can\'t hold you enough.
   (Give me Love again)
   I get tired of swimming in the pool of sheets.
   We wipe off the sweat and cool down.
   Still you pretend to be scared.
   But you strike a sexy pose and I look at you. (You\'re my only desire.)
   I drown in your heart-stopping tricks.
   I want to separate from this gray darkness.
   No, I won\'t separate this Monochrome Trouble.
   Unmoving lips. The hot knife can\'t cut the flesh.
   Unmoving lips. My body is at a loss, and I can\'t chain you to the
   (Give me Love again)
Try to guard against my bite.
   It means nothing.
   I\'ll touch you, you\'ll give me everything. Ah! Monochrome Trouble.
   Moist lips. Wandering in a humid maze.
   Moist lips. I do it again and again but I can\'t hold you enough.
   Unmoving lips. The hot knife can\'t cut the flesh.
   Unmoving lips. My body is at a loss, and I can\'t chain you to the rhythm.

I\'m in Trouble
 Baby tonight is the night I\'m gonna get close to you
   Girl I\'ll do everything whatever you want me to
   Been wanting you so much; I just can\'t wait for the moment that we touch
   (Been wanting you so much)
   I dream about you next to me and your lips on mine
   The dream just makes me cry coz girl you\'re just too fine
   It\'s gonna be an all night ride girl this is something I know I just can\'t h
   (you know I just can\'t hide)
   I can\'t fight this feeling that is coming over me
   Oh my heart is beating and calling for you
   We can\'t stop this fire let it take us higher
   I promise it won\'t be just one night coz this love is so right girl
   * I\'m in trouble but it feels so good
     I\'m already past the point of no return
     Wouldn\'t change it even if I could
     There\'s no turning back - I\'ve got it badly girl I\'m in trouble now
     (Give me love again)
   You know you burn the light and turn me inside out
   It\'s time for us to shine and leave no room for doubt
   I love you every way I rock you every night and every day
   (I love you every day)
   I just can\'t believe it; never felt so free before
   Every time I\'m with you, I want you even more
   Love was meant to find us, leave that pain behind us
   Girl we can make a heaven wherever we want it forever
   * refrain
   I just can\'t believe it; never felt so free before
   Every time I\'m with you, I want you even more
   Love was meant to find us, leave that pain behind us
   Girl we can make a heaven wherever we want it forever
   * refrain x2                            

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« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: Lutego 04, 2004, 11:11:22 pm »
\"...Zycie nasze sklada sie z krotkich momentow,
Cudownych chwil czy przykrych incydentow.
Niczego nie przegapie, wszystkie je lapie
Korzystam z talentu, przelewam go na papier.
Wiec lapie chwile ulotne jak ulotka,
Ulotne chwile lapie jak fotka...\"
...\"Dbam by chwile ulotne jak lotka
Nie ulecialy jak plotka, w niepamiec.
Kazdy gest i kazde zdanie,
Obrazy przed oczami zawieszone jak na scianie.
Te w ramie.
To jedno co na pewno zostanie,
Rreszta przeminie jak znoszone ubranie.
Dwadziescia lat minelo jak jeden dzien,
Nie masz co wspominac lepiej swe zycie zmien.
Puki czas nie czeka na nas...\"
\"...Mamy po dwadziecia lat, przed soba caly swiat
Przed soba caly zycia szmat.
Wiec jestem rad z kazdego poranka i wieczoru
Dawno juz dokonalem wyboru.
I jestem dyspozytorem wlasnych torow...\"
\"...I wiem ze wspomnienie nigdy nie zginie
Tak jak wspomnienie o pierwszej dziewczynie...\"

Paktofonika, \"Chwile Ulotne\" Ś.P. MAGIK

\"...Nawet jesli wszyscy juz w ciebie zwatpili,
Pokaz ze sie mylili, nie czekaj ani chwili dluzej...\"

Paktofonika, \"Nowiny\" Ś.P. MAGIK                            

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« Odpowiedź #10 dnia: Lutego 05, 2004, 12:19:54 am »
No one knows what it\'s like
To be the bad man
to be the sad man
Behind blue eyes
And no one knows What it\'s like
to be hated
To be faded to
telling only lies

But my dreams they aren\'t as empty
As my conscious seems
to be I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That\'s never free
No one knows what its like
To feel these feelings
Like i do, and i blame you!
No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain woe Can show through

The Who - Behind blue eyes (tak to to samo co teraz Limp bizkit śpiewa :wink: )ja jednak zostane przy oryginalnym wykonaniu

\"All an all its just another brick in the wall
All an all your just another brick in the wall\" - nie będe komentować ani pisać zespołu i tytułu bo jak ktoś nie wie to powinien się sooolidnie wstydzić

pozatym przytoczony przez ARDa fragment \"Nowin\" i całe piosenki \"Chwile ulotne\" paktofoniki,  \"Moja obawa(bądź a klękne)\" Kalibra 44 i \"Niezwyciężeni\" Konkwisty 88

Dwie ostatnie w wolnej chwili napisze ze słuchu bo podejżewam że niewiele ludzi zna a warto  :wink:

A tak wogóle to mógłbym takie teksty wymieniać prawie w nieskończoność  8)


Bym zapomniał jeszcze calutka płytka Nirvany - Nevermind bo to arcydzieło po prostu i legenda w każdym calu doskonałe                            

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Muzyczne "Cytaty"
« Odpowiedź #11 dnia: Lutego 14, 2004, 11:40:57 pm »
Dream Theater: (Another Day)
\"The coldness of this words
The message in his silence,
\"Face the candle to the
This distance in my voice
Isn\'t leaving you a choice
So if you\'re looking for a time
to run away...\"

Epica: (Facade of reality)
\"People created religious inventions
To give their lives a glimmer of hope
And to ease their fear of dying
And people created religious intentions
Only to feel superior and to have a license to kill

Our desire to die is stronger
Than all your desire for life
There is no getting away from it now
Only true faith survives

People created religious inventions
To give their lives a glimmer of hope
And to ease their fear of dying
And people created religious ascensions
To subject the others and to enslave, just to further enrich themselves

It doesn’t matter where we die
It doesn’t matter that you cry
We’ll take you with us

A disgrace on the beyond

O servator, sempiterne
Te grati coluimus, Odor atrox quo nons superfundis intolerabilis est

Deceive yourself by yielding
to soft words that cause no pain
Enrich yourself with different views
Learned without disdain

A disgrace on the beyond
That can never be undone
Who shall rise and unveil
The Facade of Reality?

Is there still room for new dents in old wrecks?
A disgrace on the beyond that can never be undone
Deceive yourself by yielding to soft words
Enrich yourself by making up your own mind \"

Epica po raz drugi: (Phantom agony)

\"[I. Impasse of Thoughts]

I can’t see you, I can’t hear you
Do you still exist?

I can’t feel you, I can’t touch you,
Do you exist?

The Phantom Agony

I can’t taste you, I can’t think of you,
Do we exist at all?

[II. Between hope and despair]

The future doesn’t pass
And the past won’t overtake the present
All that remains is an obsolete illusion

We are afraid of all the things that could not be
A phantom agony

Do we dream at night
Or do we share the same old fantasy?
I am a silhouette of the persen wandering in my dreams

Tears of unprecedented beauty
Reveal the truth of existence
We’re all sadists

The age-old development of consciousness
Drives us away from the essence of life
We meditate too much,
so that our instincts will fade away
They fade away

What’s the point of life
And what’s the meaning if we all die in the end?
Does it make sense to learn or do we forget everything?

Tears of unprecedented beauty
Reveal the truth of existence
We’re all pessimists

Teach me how to see and free the disbelief in me
What we get is what we see, the Phantom Agony

[III. Nevermore]

The lucidity of my mind has been revealde in new dreams
I am able to travel where my heart goes
In search of self-realisation

This is the way to escape from our agitation
And develop ourselves
Use your illusion and enter my dream... \"

Znalazło by się tego o wiele więcej ale nie będę wszystkiego wypisywał bo nie chce mi się w tej chwili szukać na necie textów...   8)                            

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« Odpowiedź #12 dnia: Lutego 19, 2004, 10:01:59 pm »
Heart still beating for the cause
Soul still feeding from the loss
Limbs are aching from the rush
You are fading from my sight
Break of morning, coldness lingers on
Shroud me into nightmares of the sun
I am moving closer to your side
You are luring me into the night
Who is crying for you here
I am dying fast inside your tears\"

\"My lips are dry you gave me drugs to try
Hold me when I die
The sky has frozen to a wall
We die we all\"

\"I start to cry and I keep on laughing
I close my eyes at what\'s left inside
and then i\'ll ran away\"

\"did you try to reason why
look yourself in the eye
what you are is all you have been
what will be is all you do now\"

To oczywiscie tylko fragmenty...                            


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« Odpowiedź #13 dnia: Lutego 20, 2004, 01:18:45 am »
8) Armia \"Droga\" - W Krainie Smoków:
\"Do krainy mroków
do krainy smoków
jedno słowo głupi krok.
A w krainie mroków
biega wiele smoków
przykry oddech samo zło.

Bo wkraine mroków
bo w krainie smoków
kto już padnie smutna śmierć.
A z krainy mroków
a z krainy smoków
nie ma wyjścia chyba że...

Z tej krainy mroków
z tej krainy smoków
jedna droga jeden ruch.
Z tej krainy mroków
z tej krainy smoków
jedzie ojciec syn i duch.\"

(Same refreny ale za to jakie... i o SMOKACH :D )

Within Temptation - Mother Earth:
\"She rulez
and till the end of time
she get what she taste.
She rulez
and til the end of time
she goes away\"

Wszystko tłumaczone ze słuchu więc sorry za błędy.                            

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Muzyczne "Cytaty"
« Odpowiedź #14 dnia: Lutego 20, 2004, 05:20:51 pm »
\"Take everything from the inside
 and trow it all away
 \'couse i swear, for the last time
 i will trust myself whit you\"

Linkin Park, From the inside (mogol byc bledy bo to bralem ze sluchu a nie z gotowego tekstoo.
Swietna jest tesh piosenka Evanescence My Immortal ale nie znam słoof                            
In the name of God,
impure souls of the living dead
shall be banished into eternal damnation.

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Muzyczne "Cytaty"
« Odpowiedź #15 dnia: Marca 01, 2004, 02:35:41 pm »
Trochę klasyki :)
\" Ważne są tylko te dni, których jeszcze nie znamy...
 Ważnych jest kilka tych chwil, tych na które czekamy...\"
                                                         Marek Grechuta                            
Kame Hame Ha

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« Odpowiedź #16 dnia: Marca 01, 2004, 05:18:58 pm »
Wolę ostry J-Rock: Nipponsei - Wild Rock :twisted:
Its okay you go crazy hard way
shout beat talk
wild rock
it rocks to say rock n\' roll
shout beat talk
wild rock
give me no tail so rise and fall
shout beat talk
wild rock
it looks so imagination
shout beat talk
wild rock                            
I got my head checked by a jumbo jet. It wasn't easy but nothing is, no... [Whoo hoo!] Well I feel heavy metal [Whoo hoo!] And I'm pins and I'm needles [Whoo hoo!] Well I lie and I'm easy, all of the time and I'm never sure why I need you... Pleased to meet ya!

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Muzyczne "Cytaty"
« Odpowiedź #17 dnia: Marca 01, 2004, 08:03:24 pm »
A mi sie podoba to:

Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor Beaten why for
Can\'t take much more
One - Nothing wrong with me
Two - Nothing wrong with me
Three - Nothing wrong with me
Four - Nothing wrong with me
One - Something\'s got to give
Two - Something\'s got to give
Three - Something\'s got to give
Let the bodies hit the floor
Push me again
This is the end
Skin against skin blood and bone
You\'re all by yourself but you\'re not alone
You wanted in now you\'re here
Driven by hate consumed by fear
Let the bodies hit the floor
(Drowning Pool - \"Bodies\")
Jak tu sie nie pociac jak cie dziewczyna rzuci;(((

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Muzyczne "Cytaty"
« Odpowiedź #18 dnia: Marca 09, 2004, 12:47:59 pm »
hold on, stay inside...
this holy reality,
this holy experience.
choosing to be here in...
this body.
this body holding me.
be my reminder here that I am not alone in
this body,
this body holding me,
feeling eternal all this pain is an illusion....

TooL - \"Parabola\"                            
and you will come to find...

that we are all one mind...

so let the light touch you...

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Muzyczne "Cytaty"
« Odpowiedź #19 dnia: Marca 19, 2004, 07:11:15 pm »
teraz moja ulubiona piosenka jak by to bylo DKA:
zawsze sobie mysle jak by to bylo jak by to wsztsko sie ulozylo gdyby mnie na tym swiecie nie byl ludzie by mniue mijali nie zauwazali moze niechcacy by sie przede mna chowali wizja tego stanu bardzo mnie dlawi boje sie ze kiedys mnie wszystko zadlawi zyje w soim zyciu tak sobie po cichu widze ludzi dookola widze swego stroza aniola. Czas juz przelecial tak sie rozlecial ze czuje cos w srodku to nie jest w porzdku ze niedbales od poczatku troche nie bardzo da sie to przewinac teraz trzeba do innego portu zawinac juz nie tego samego nie tego przyziemnego. Spojrz w swoja g;lowe w mysli granatowe mysli jalowe na trawie na jawie to nie zycie przy kawie to nie film i gratka to nie misia puchatka tak piekna chatka